Blogmas 12- Blopers.. I meant bloopers

Last day of Blogmas today! Today this video is filled with the bloopers and behind the scenes, but in a deeper picture of showing that we are not perfect and Jesus is. Jesus came down to live that perfect life that we could not live as us humans. He is so great, he takes our fears away, protects, is perfect, Jesus forgave us while we were still sinners, loved us at our lowest, SAVED US, by being the ultimate sacrifice, He then rose by the power and strength of our mighty God, brings joy to us all , is beyond words and is there in troubled times when humans can not be. God has a plan and Jesus was apart of it to forgive us for our sins and save us from this world we live in today. For God is so great praise him! All glory goes to him, for we shall go share for all his glory, be a light to others around us and make disciples of all nations.
I hope all of you enjoy Christmas and the holiday season, it is so close!
You are loved, cared for and never alone<3
Have a Merry and joyful CHRISTmas to everyone one of you.
Now enjoy some of our funny moments during these twelve days with me and my sister: 🙂