Renewing of the mind

Goodmorning to all out there! Hey! yes, I haven’t seen, well talk to you all for a couple of months, and I will explain why. Recently life has been throwing a lot at me, just starting high school (scary yes (; ), new responsabilites, struggles in the family emotionally, a lot of choices have come to me and have really been on my mind. I feel that over this summer I would post my blogs or posts on my instagram, but I would be the one at “low battery” as a friend of mine said it. I was sharing about Christ, but I too needed to hear what I was saying, I was not sharing with a mind set of 100%. I needed some time to just relax and get back with God, to be right with God before I am going out there into the big world. Trails will make us seem so far away from God at times, so distant, yet you know he is there and you just can’t feel the holy spirit. I felt like I was outside this clear bubble where God was inside. I knew he never left me and he was there because I could see him through the clear bubble, but I couldn’t feel his presence with me. That is what I was missing, I never ran away from him, but I was not pursuing him like I needed to. Don’t get confused with saying that you don’t have enough time for God, it should be I am going to MAKE time with the One that gave me a life.
One thing I struggle with a lot is distraction, I would be praying but doing something at the same time (EX: brushing my hair, getting dressed, watching tv…ect.) and my mind just gets so distracted easily, that the next thing you know I am thinking about how eating a burrito sounds so good. Distraction is one big struggle for me, to not focus a little, but give all my attention to HIM. Sometimes I need to just go onto my knees and talk with him, all heart pouring out, confessions running, and praying over my worries and giving him my trust. This morning I surprising didn’t wake up at like 11 am, but I woke up early and sat down at this lil’ desk I have. I saw a paper with a devotional on it, I had it on my desk for a while, but I never got to really study it. So I went ahead and started to read it and you know when you read something and it just has been on your heart and you feel it is a sign from God, oh how I love it. I read the title,” Three Easy Steps to Transforming your mind and your life,” By Tracie Miles. I went ahead and read it and this was in my heart and her steps were so life changing, literally it is on how to renew your mind! In Romans 12:1-2 Paul is writing a letter to the Romans and telling them how God can change their life if you follow him and live according to his ways. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2 (God is not saying to sacrifice yourself, he is saying to emotionally and spiritually give him all of you and your worries and to trust him with everything.)
Keeping things, holding in emotions to ourself is not healthy. We can not do things on our own, I know I can’t, but we all need Jesus in our lives, we really do. It is hard enough to recognize it sometimes because of our stubborn human nature, but once you get right with God, pursue a relationship with him he will give you the desires of your heart. That does not mean if you follow him you’re getting the new iPhone 8 or shoes you wanted. Once you follow him he will overflow your cup and fill the missing piece your heart has been longing for. As it says in Romans 12;2,” …do not be confirmed by the patterns of the world and its ways, but by the renewing of your mind. Change in a way that helps, not tears you down when you follow worldly ways. The first step to changing your life and renewing your mind is to recognize it and admit it too! Second, we need to throw our old worldly ways and desires away. NOT TODAY enemy, throw it away and out of our minds and hearts. Third, fill yourself with God’s word, pursue him because he has already been pursuing you before you came into the world, my friend. He loves you, he cherishes you, he wants a relationship with you. He wants to see your mind and soul be renewed because of him and then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Enjoy your day everyone! God is with you, know that. YOU are loved, DO NOT FORGET IT! 🙂