Planting the seed, not the flower

In life we as Christ followers are called by our heavenly Father to share his word, and in all of it glorify him. In my past and recently, I have realized that sometimes we have people that either don’t know God or need some reconnecting with him and of course we as Christ followers are willing to help. We thrive to help others and share the word of God as much as we can to those that need it. But the wall that was stopping me was my actions. I was trying to plant the whole flower, because I wanted to see it so fast.
As in I was putting myself in control and making it my job to change that person’s life instead of giving all the control to God. Because my job that God gave me was to love and to plant the seed of Jesus, instead my goal in life became to change this persons life.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good intention to want to help someone, but I was putting this as a priority in front of seeking my oh so wonderful GOD first. I was putting the pressure, the stress, the job, and control in my hands, when it should be in God’s hands because sometimes our human flesh we live in makes us want to be in control all the time. He is the only one who can help change someone. I can help, but I can not force them to change their heart, just like I can’t force the flower before I plant that seed.
Don’t underestimate the power of that seed, that seed will eventually grow to something beautiful, when the time is right because some flowers grow fast and some slow and God’s timing is perfect! That seed looks so small and we think we need to do more by making ourselves in control and be the ones to change our friends or the people that need it, when all we need to do is plant the seed and pray. Again, I will say to plant the seed of Jesus, pray, give God the control.
Of course help others that need it and need God’s word for healing, but don’t let that take over your life and push them away instead of forward. My advice is to pray, my beautiful friends let me tell you that prayer is very powerful!
A prayer can change so much, it doesn’t always have to be actions and words, but prayer with it too. As it says in Matthew 17:20, “Prayers move mountains.” God is so powerful and wonderful and can heal anything! believe it pray about it and but him first in control!
-YOU are so loved, YOU are a child of THE ONE TRUE KING. YOU are beautiful, YOU are smart, YOU are amazing and I hope every single one of you have an amazing day and week! Love you all 🙂
–1 Thessalonians 5:17 – “Pray without ceasing.”
–Romans 12:12 – “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.¨
–Matthew 21:22 -” And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”